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Sida, Johannesburg
Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå, Gothenburg
what to call about
Compliance matters with a focus data protection & GDPR. Commercialization and Protection of intellectual assets and IT.life before Morris
Advokatfirman Delphi, GothenburgSida, Johannesburg
Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå, Gothenburg
something you should know
After extensive travelling and two years of development work, Henrik has left a bit of his heart in Africa and will take any chance to visit again – for business or pleasure.- ai & data protection
- competition law
- compliance & internal investigations
news archive
- nordic capital evolution invests in hjo installation
- rcl acquires sefina svensk pantbelåning aktiebolag and helsingin pantti-osakeyhtiö
- privacy shield rejected by the european court of justice
- yellow brand protection acquired by corsearch
- brp systems is acquired by valedo partners
- personal data protection in practice
- ehealth in the mobile – the wild west or compulsory ce marking
- personal data act becomes gdpr